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KK Pavilion Retail Innovation, New Retail Kkv Shelf, KKV Store Introduction.

 Guangzhou Eight Thousand Miles Shelf Co. , Ltd. is a fast-food store shelves, clothing store shelves, jewelry store shelves, clothing store props, store design, underwear store shelves, famous excellent store shelves,Brand shelves, supermarket shelves, Outlets store shelves, KM men's shelves, ZARA shelves, UR men's and women's shelves, HM store shelves, Dicannon shelves, unprinted shelves, pleasure windLing shelves, GXG shelves, PEACE? BIRD shelves and other products specializing in the production and processing of the company, with a complete, scientific quality management system. The integrity of Guangzhou Eight Thousand Mile Shelf Co., Ltd., strength and product quality have been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and business negotiations.

 KK Pavilion co-founder Wu Yuening introduced to Yi Ou, the current KK Pavilion sales of imports including snacks, a guard, makeup, home, stationery, daily miscellaneous and other 8 categories, SKU up to more than 10,000 kinds. ToMouth cut mainly takes into account: First, in the context of consumption upgrade, the user's demand for overseas imports and acceptance is higher;The penetration of such categories is very full, the field of imports can open up more space, and third, compared with cross-border e-commerce, offline stores have the advantages of time and experience. For the KK Pavilion category construction, Wu Yuening in the interview many times to the European mention, to each category of the best peer, not only to achieve high value, high quality, but also the price will

Yi. From the shelf set up to the display of props, to make the overall effect good-looking, do not think for themselves, to see each specific category who does the best, to study it, learn it. WhenEach category is done well, every detail is extreme, the combination will have a good effect.

KK Pavilion Retail Innovation, New Retail Kkv Shelf, KKV Store Introduction.

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mingtianhuojia 注册时间:2019年11月21日
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